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Dexter is 13 years old. Given his age, we have been trying to move away from kibbles and exploring healthier foods. It has been hard to find time to cook for him and many petstore foods aren't as…
Katja P.Rocky loves Sheila's Links
John F.Maya, our 8 year old maltipoo is our little foodie! She knows what she likes: only the best! She LOVES Sheila's Links! And we love that it's healthy and fresh. Maya licks her lips as soon as…
Susan K.Zena, our 7 year old Great Dane has a sensitive stomach. We've struggled to find the right healthy dog-food brand that she likes, is healthy and easy to digest. Zena absolutely devours Sheila's…
Susan K.Our Lucy goes nuts for Sheila’s Links! She has had breed related skin problems since she was a small puppy and we have tried many different foods to help with that. Unfortunately…
Katja P.